Have you ever wondered what the inside workings of a dance company looks like? Well wonder no further, you’ve come to the right place! As a company member in a Pittsburgh born modern dance company, Shana Simmons Dance, I’m here to dish all the secrets and as the young ones would say…spill some tea.
Okay okay, this blog will not be a gossip blog but I am going to be touching on a bunch of different topics all related to DANCE! I’ll be including some important “what should I know if I want to pursue a career in dance” information. I know that was a mouthful… Keep an eye out for upcoming updates of what’s trending in the dance community, training tips and tricks, and product reviews! I will be discussing everything from my take on cross training, rehabilitation when recovering from injuries or also just rehabilitation for recovering after a long rehearsal. Self-care as a professional/aspiring dancer is key! Also I’ll be including little snippets from rehearsals to allow for a sneak peek into the inside life of a dancer… disclaimer: it’s sort of fun, hard work, but fun. Stay tuned for more awesome things to come…… Signing off, Emily Quote of the rehearsal: “It’s easy. You just have to remember what comes next….I guess like in all dance….” - Shana Simmons
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offerings from shana & company members
Something to read while laying in bed, on the subway or tube, or during your morning constitutional. Archives
August 2019