what is your...? (2009)
Jan 2009, Pittsburgh PA, Evolve Productions May 2009, Ghent, Belgium, Revêrie Festival “very fun and daring performance …highly recommended” (gentblogt.be). What is your...? started out as an exploration of vulnerability. It has developed into a play of personal space between performer and audience and sensing one’s surroundings. It is posed as a question and simply asks the audience to observe, reflect, and absorb. Dancers start with their eyes closed as audience members are both on stage and off, observing them. Dancers are unaware of where people are and start to venture out, beyond their beginning space. As they seek the space and the people around them, their eyes open and they begin to engage. What is your...? challenges audience members to connect, with the dancers and with each other, and allow themselves to be observed. Dancers: Hannah Chadwick, Annastosia Kostner, and Shana Simmons, along with audience members Music: Arranged by James Bulley |